Anti-Bodies, Arsenal, Articles of Faith, BB Spin, Bhang Revival, Bhopal Stiffs, Big Black, Blatant Dissent, Bloodsport, Blue Green God, Bohemia, Bonemen of Barumba, Certain Death, Breaking Circus, The Corrosives, The Cunts, Da, The Dadistics, Dead Fink, Defoliants, Denied Remarks, DV8, The Effigies, End Result, Epicycle, Evil Eye, The Front Lines, Friends of Betty, Gary Jones, Gear, Gross National Product, Happy Toons, Hazardous Youth, Heavy Manners, Identity Crisis, ID Under, The Imports, Impulse Manslaughter, Industrialized Autocracy, The Interceptors, Immune System, Insolent Respect, Ivy League, Jack Scratch, Juvenile Deliquents, Life Sentence, Lost Cause, The Luchs Brothers, Men, The Mentally Ill, Ministry, Meaty Buys, M.O.S.H., Nadsat Rebel, Naked Raygun, Navastrau, Negative Element, NGA JIWA, Number Nine, Ono, Out of Order, Painter Band, Pegboy, Phil 'n the Blanks, Poison Squirrel, Political Justice, Popperz, Product 19, Psi Bears, Rapeman, Ring 13, Rights of the Accused, Savage Beliefs, Screeching Weasel, Seismic Waves, Silent Language, Silly Carmichaels, Silver Abuse, Six Feet Under, Skafish, Slit and the Stiches, Sludgeworth, Special Affect, Sport of Kings, Stations, Strike Under, The Subverts, The Swingers, Terminal Beach, Toothpaste, Trial by Fire, Urbn DK, The Wayouts, Tutu and the Pirates, Viktimz of Society, Violent Tumor, Wazmo Nariz, Zoetrope
Steve Albini, Al Scum, Rodney Anderson, Jon Babbin, Vic Bondi, Chris Bjorklund, Steve Bjorklund, Eric Brockman, Iain Burgess, Robert Byrne, Mick Calhoun, Joe Camarillo, Eric Cassell, Steve Cheese, Tom Clark, Larry Damore, Bob Damrau, Troy Dixler, Ted Domurat, Lorna Donley, Santiago Durango, Jed Fox, Bob Furem, Philip Galanter, Camilo Gonzalez, Ken Goodman, Joe Haggerty, John Haggerty, Scott Harris, Dem Hopkins, Anthony Illarde, Al Jourgensen, Jughead, Marie Kanger-Born, John Kezdy, Pierre Kezdy, Joe Losurdo, John Lundin, Keith Lyons, Art MacQuilkin, Doug McCombs, Bill Meehan, Ken Mierzwa, John Mohr, Terry Nelson, Jeff Pezzati, Marko Pezzati, Dave Riley, Corey Rusk, Dan Schafer, Dan Schneider, Audrey Shaw, Bobby Skafish, Jim Skafish, Jim Sludge, Brooks Smith, Geri Soriano, Eric Spicer, Bill Stephens, Chopper Steppe, Steve Steppe, Dan Sullivan, Dave Thomas, Douglas Ward, Rob Warmowski, Ben Weasel, Paul Zamost, Bryn Zellers
Autumn Records, Dazit Records, Disturbing Records, Fever Records, H.I.D. Productions Ltd, Homestead Records, Landmind Records, Little Farmer Music, National Trust, No Blow Records, Quarterstick Records, Pravda Records, Roadkill Records, Ruthless Records, Schwa Records, Sandpounder Records, Snat 5 Records, Touch and Go, Tough Records, Walkthrufyre Records, Wasteland Records, Wax Trax Records
All Rise, Basement Screams, Busted at Oz, Dial-a-Trance, Flammable Solid, Home, Innocence, Jettison, Raygun...Naked Raygun, The Middle of America Compilation, Throb Throb, Understand?, Vanilla Blue
950 Lucky Number, Aragon Ballroom, Artful Dodger, B'Ginnings, Circuits, Club Foot, COD, Cubby Bear, Dreamerz, Exit, Gaspars, Harry Hopes, Head's Pub, Hell House, Iron Rail, Keith Garage, La Mere Vipere, Lounge Ax, Metro, Misfits, Neo, O'Banion's, Oz, Park West, The Riviera, Space Place, Stages, Tuts, Waves, West End
Bullshit Detector, Coolest Retard, Disorderly Conduct, Gabba Gabba Gazette, Last Rites, Les Ponques Rockeurs, Matter, Primitive Noise, Raveup, THIS, Your Country Needs You/YOU
Chicago Punk History at a Glance - Timeline Detailed History by Year - 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Chicago Punk Pix, WindyCityPunk, The Punk Vault, Pit of Punkiness, Ephemeral Creation