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Bloodsport was an important, albeit lesser known, Chicago punk band in the mid-80s. Unfortunately, Bloodsport is most well known for the bands that the members were in before or after the band. They released one LP in 1985 and continued to play live until a copule members joined The Effigies in 1987



  1. Better and Best
  2. Hangman's Dance
  3. Rhymes of Reason
  4. Ghosts of Scrooge
  5. Sixes and Sevens
  6. Mettle of Man
  7. Killing Floor
  • Six-song tape (Unknown Label, Year)
    • Two songs from I Am the Game


  • Bjorklund was in Strike Under before Bloodsport
  • Bergeron left the band shortly after I am the Game's release, they continued on as a 3-piece
  • Bjorklund, Woods and Haggerty all joined The Effigies after Bloodsport.
  • After The Effigies breakup in 1990, Haggerty joined brother John to form Pegboy

Needed information

  • Who took over vocal duties after Bergeron left?
  • What year did they start?
  • Any 7" releases or demos?

External Links