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As for Dadistic music being worth any $$$$ highly unlikely.

There was the first 45, that we put out all on our own and sold at gigs, with "Modern Girl" and "Paranoia Perception". We, as a group sat in Freds basement and all had a part in putting the record jacket together.. you fold, you glue, you do the insert, you stuff into the protective cover kind of evenings.

Once BOMP picked it up, they released those two songs as A sides and asked for two more songs for the B sides, which were: "Later Baby" and "Cry For Yourself".

We were also added to two differnt BOMP Compilations. "Experiments In Destiny" and the other one was called "Waves" (Anthology of new music volume 2. spring 1980).

Other recordings never made it out to the public..i dont think.