It's A Punk Thing, You Wouldn't Understand

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It's A Punk Thing, You Wouldn't Understand was a compilation LP of Chicago-based punk and emo bands released in 1993 by Shakefork Records. It would be the last release issued by Shakefork before label head Scott Broadhurst relocated to San Francisco (the final Shakefork release issued under Scott's reign would be issued after he moved) and the only LP released by the label. A couple years after the release, Scott would uncover a batch of unsold records when he returned to IL to visit family and these were sold through Underdog Records with Shakefork's Downers Grove address blacked out with marker.

Release Details

  • Format: LP
  • Availability: Out of Print

Track Listing

Side A

1. Gauge - "Blank"

2. Bollweevils - "Talk"

3. Smoking Popes - "Let's Hear It For Love"

4. Cap'n Jazz - "Scary Kids Scaring Kids"

Side B

1. Friction - "Milt"

2. Screeching Weasel - "Celena"

3. Heel - "Blu Zone"

4. Angerhouse - "Complex"

Song Re-Releases

  • "Blank" was included on the II digital compilation (Shakefork Records, 2010).
  • "Let's Hear It For Love" was included on the 1991-1998 compilation, released in 1999 on Double Zero Records.
  • "Scary Kids Scaring Kids" was included on the Analphabetapolothology double CD discography released in 1998 by Jade Tree Records
  • "Milt" was included on the CD release of Friction's sole album, Blurred In Six (Allied Records, 1994) and the Hours of Operation double CD discography (Polyvinyl Records, 2002).
  • "Celena" was included on the Kill The Musicians CD compilation released by Lookout! Records in 1995.


  • "Scary Kids Scaring Kids" is listed simply as "Scary Kids" on the back cover.
  • "Celena" is misspelled as "Celina" on the back cover. The song was recorded by Steve Albini and produced by Eric Spicer
  • "Let's Hear It For Love" was recorded by Mass Giorgini.